[plug] Any good suppliers for old PC100 SDRAM?

Bob Linus bob0linus at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 22:18:39 WST 2005

Thanks.  Finally got some RAM at Computer Surplus (Kooyong Road and
Great Eastern Hwy).  Bus 36 and 296 take you there from the Perth
Busport.  They close at 5:30pm on Thursday.  I just made it in past
5pm. :)

They had 32MB, 64MB $20, and 128MB $40 as mixed PC100 and PC133 SDRAM.   

I never used PC133 RAM for PC100 motherboards, but this particular
Kingston chip  worked.  I didn't install PC100 chips with other PC133
chips on the same motherboard.   I did an experiment as a kid once
with two wires in slightly different voltages passing current through
water: one of the wires was eaten away in a day maybe.  I don't know
if PC100 and PC133 imply different voltages, but don't want to find
out the hard way. :)

They also have about two dozen Pentium 3 CPUs for about $30 each.  My
HP Kayak happens to have 2 slots.  I'm recompiling the kernel now for
SMP support. :)

8GB HDD were about $25.  They were selling Linux CDs also.  I needed a
microphone, and they had a junk box full of $5 headset microphones
meant for small heads.  I got one anyway.  I can't seem to find a good
microphone.  I need to check Big-W again.

Uni is forcing me to boot into Mickeysoft for various things for Visio
UML diagrams, MS Project, and probably Excel with embedded url
linking.  I need to keep a dedicated linux server for free revision
services and team collaboration tools.  128MB of RAM between 2 PCs
wasn't going to cut it. :)  One PC was collecting dust since I used it
to build Frankenstein the Gentoo Linux HP Kayak P3 machine.

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