[plug] PDF 'printer' with cups

simon simon at plumtek.com
Sat Feb 19 19:10:32 WST 2005

Working - in the end, it was the (recommended!) driver causing the problem -
now using an Apple Colour LaserWriter driver and it works a treat.

Thanks for everyone's help.

Adam Ashley (adam_ashley at softhome.net) wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 09:43 +0000, simon wrote:
> > OK, I can print text files from linux to the pdf printer, but if I print from
> > windows or even print a ps file from linux it barfs.
> >
> > Im guessing its because Im using the colour postscript driver in cups and it
> > really needs to be a raw driver of some kind (which probably means I wont be
> > able to print from linux anymore :))
> >
> > Im searching but cant find anything to help.... any bones people can throw
> > would be appreciated.
> >
> That wont actually work. cups-pdf works by taking the PS input from the
> print queue and feeding it through ghostscript to generate a PDF file.
> Plain text and a few other formats are handled by ghostscript but the
> most reliable way to accept input for it, especially from windows
> systems is to use a postscript print driver to send PS to the print
> queue.
> Also check the setting on your windows postscript driver, make sure its
> PostScript settings are set for maximum compatibility and NOT maximum
> speed.
> Adam
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Simon Scott
simon at plumtek.com
mob: 0409113359

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