[plug] Fwd: Linux User Conference in WA?

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Wed Feb 23 23:10:07 WST 2005

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Evert van Dijk wrote:

> I like the concept and have had simillar ideas/hopes for these in the past
> The main purpose I conceived was to promote Linux on both the desktop and the 
> server
> but to different audiences.
> The Desktop user would not care how to setup iptables, tarballs or apache
> but they would greatly want to know how to use KDE or Gnome to achieve what 
> they now do in Windows
> ie emails and office and web-browsing.
> The Server user would want to learn how to achieve the goals that Windows or 
> Unix servers now do, ie iptables, RPMs or apt-gets,
> apache etc.

I disagree - workstation users should also know how to configure 
firewalls. Where a single computer is used, that is not part of a LAN, 
a firewall is appropriate. Also, Apache is needed for configuring CUPS, 
so, once again, Apache should be included for workstations, where a 
separate print server is not used. In terms of the "setup" of tarballs, 
if that refers to installing software from tarballs, that should also be 
included for workstations.

Similarly, package installation and maintenance, should be included for 
workstations. Mirroring for servers, but workstations need to have 
packages installed and updated and removed, and, to undergo (when and 
where appropriate) distribution upgrades.

As I have mentioned on the Linux Australia (LA) list, the issue of 
timing would neeed to be considered, and I would be inclined to favour 
January, as, as mentioned on the LA list, the timing of past Australian 
Linux conferences being held in January, allowed the attendance of 
tertiary students, being before the commencement of the academic year, 
and, allowed for the use of university accommodation for conference 
attendees, again, being before the commencement of the academic year.

I like the idea of the panel thing at the coming event for users over 
east, where different distributions people make presentations that 
relate to the differences between the distributions, and the benefits 
and applications (as in where they are appropriately applied, as opposed 
to applications packages) of the different distributions. I think that 
could be a worthy inclusion, in a users cconference.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
  you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
   Chapter 28 of
   "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
   A Trilogy In Four Parts",
   written by Douglas Adams,
   published by Pan Books, 1992 

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