[plug] Bulgaria embargoes Windows licence renewals

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Sun Jan 30 22:02:16 WST 2005

On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 21:12:23 +0800, Bernd Felsche
<bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Heise online reports that the Bulgarian government is stalling on
> renewing 30,000 XP licences at this time. The decision on renewal
> has been left to the next cabinet which will be formed in June.
> The Bulgarian Internet Society (ISOC) has set several processes
> against Microsoft in motion and are currently under investigation by
> the federal attorney general. Further complaints have been lodged
> through Bulgaria's Fair Trade and Consumer Protection bodies.
> ISOC is currently acting on behalf of United Nations Development
> Programme (UNDP) on implementing the Open Source Project in the
> Balkans. The project involves supporting communities in the
> implementation and training of Linux and OpenOffice. The technical
> coordinator says that demand for the programme is enormous.
> The UNDP project is notable in that even in Kosovo, one can find
> support for Linux and OpenOffice. In Kosovo, as in Bulgaria,
> migration has been simplified due to lack of pre-existing standards
> and dependence on Windows.
> Original article (in German)
>         http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/55570
After reading that, I'm enjoying a rather amusing image in my mind of
something like that scene in the matrix were agent smith has neo in a
headlock with a subway train coming down the track, except tux is the
agent and neo is Billy :-)
"You hear that mister gates, that.. is the sound of inevitability" :-D

Of course what happens next in the film doesn't fit this image.. but
its a cool scene nevertheless

Linux is making huge inroads on the outer fringes, it wont be long
before it has MS surrounded and no amount of circling the wagons will
help (kinda like "liquid wars")
Man.. I need to get some sleep..

Ubuntu Warty 4.10

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