[plug] Pet Hates

Matthew Lambie mlambie at thefrontiergroup.com.au
Mon Jul 4 10:09:02 WST 2005

On Sun, 2005-07-03 at 04:37 +0000, simon wrote:

> Any more?

Them: "So what did you study at uni?"
Me:   "Computer Science"
Them: "Ohh, so do you fix computers then?"
Me:   "Not really, I have a software business, and we have 
       suppliers that and fix our computers"
Them: "Ohh, so do you make new computers then?"
Me:   "Yeah, something like that <ignore>"


Computer types that try to outdo each other by listing the
oldest/newest/cheapest/most expensive not because the other person is
interested but because they think they sound cool. Another example is
when networking guys talk in "slash 29" instead of saying "the netmask
ends in 248" with the intention of looking smarter than you. That really
annoys me.


Matthew Lambie
Technical Director

Suite 17/44 Kings Park Road
West Perth, WA  6005

w: http://thefrontiergroup.com.au
e: mlambie at thefrontiergroup.com.au
f: +61 (08) 6263 4444
m: +61 408 866 997

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