[plug] telemarketers

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 16:10:11 WST 2005

On 7/22/05, Leon Brooks <leon at cyberknights.com.au> wrote:
> You have to wing it from here. Sometimes, they just hang up. If they
> start to bluster and argue, tell them that company policy requires you
> to start the clock after thirty seconds, which is about... *now*, and
> we'll be needing that credit card number, sir?
> If they keep _on_ arguing, tell them after a few minutes that their fee
> is now up to an actionable amount (I usually quote $180 an hour or part
> thereof for my time and $240 for The Home Owner's time and explain that
> if they'd called the lawyer's number instead it would be $220 and $300)
> and, "if you settle the invoice up front with your credit card, we'll
> give you a 10% discount for all of the paperwork you save."
> The important thing is to not burst out laughing, or sound like you're
> about to. The idea that you're deadly serious and that you're about to
> charge them a couple of weeks of their salary for the honour of talking
> with your professional home owner generally sends them incoherent and
> certainly breaks up the monotony of their day.
> Cheers; Leon

Your an evil bastard you know that don't ya.. :-) 
My complaint is that they get me post large meal, and I'm normally a
bit sluggish of mind at that stage and just opt for the :
"No Thanks" *click*

I might have to print out a script to keep near the phones.. ;-)

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