[plug] CAD or Architecture programs

Muskie Teh Otterboi muskieratboi at yahoo.com.au
Wed Jul 27 19:56:01 WST 2005

What Tim said.  BSP Mapping (especially with advancements made using 
vaious game engines such as Source or The Unreal Engine) have advanced 
in complecity and realism enough to look as good (if not better seeing 
as they allow Realtime, High resolution interactive tours of sites)  as 
other commercial CAD applications for Final Rendering purposes.

If you required exacting measurements and automatically generated 
blueprints for Architectural work, of course that's what most CAD 
programs are for. But in Tim's case, he just wants a good looking Model 
house that he has designed for whatever reason, using a cheap, pwerful 
and fast building tool.


Timothy White wrote:

>>I thought to let this slide by, but then i thought again and wanted to
>>learn something.  What the hell are you saying?  Could you post a
>>translation to what you posted before, please ;-).  I lead too sheltered
>>a life and haven't come across your dialect before.  Seriously, the only
>>bit I get is who would pay heaps for Autocad, as for the rest .....
>Well the way I see it. He's saying that the Half Life 2 Engine is that
>good, powerful and easy to use that it's probably easier generating
>the Building as a Map and then taking screenshots playing the game.
>And I'd have to agree, knowing the quality of the engine, it's would
>be well worth the effort and more fun. Unfortunately for the line
>drawings I want it'd be over kill.
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