[plug] IT Overhaul

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Wed Jun 15 10:13:49 WST 2005

Chris Watt <something.rotten at gmail.com> writes:

>Are there any docs I can read about setting up the user logging in
>system?  either for Samba or for a Win Server.  As much as I'd rather
>do this on linux, if it's going to be easier and more effective to use
>a windows server then I'll work around that, it won't be on the
>internet so perhaps I can pull a little stability from her.

Samba is simple to set up as the domain controller. When users login
to their PC, they authenticate against a domain controller. User
profiles, H: "drive", etc typically reside on the domain controller.

>Also need a couple VPN's, if I use a win server how is this done?

I have no idea of how that could be done on a win server. It's a bit
of a gamble.

OpenVPN can be used in wonderful ways. If you have multiple sites,
it's easy to put a Linux-based firewall/gateway at Internet
connection and to have it act as a router for your VPN, running
OpenVPN by connecting into "head office". A subnet per site is
useful to that end. It greatly simplifies routing.

>Any online docs about any of what I want to do that explain things,
>esp. if there are a few pointers, would be great.

http://www.samba.org/ Look for HOWTO in the documentation section.
Search for "PDC" (Primary Domain Controller).

Samba can do lots of things so there's lots of documentation. Which
can be a curse if you don't know where to start looking.
/"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
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