[plug] Telstra ISDN fee

Michael Hunt michael at aussie.oddsocks.net
Fri Mar 4 22:35:52 WST 2005

On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 06:31 +0800, Daniel Pearson wrote:
> Yeh,
> A guy at work who lives in Guildford was the same. Couldn't get ADSL, so he 
> signed up for ISDN. A short time later, he mysteriously was able to now get 
> ADSL... funny that :-)
> ISDN was dropped, of no charge and they even let him keep the NT1 modem. 
> ADSL installed, 1.5/256 with Arachnet, static IP, etc. and hes now a happy 
> camper.

As per previous post this was my experience as well. I did however have
two lines, one which was my main analogue phone line and a second
analogue line that I originally used for dialup that I converted to
ISDN. When ADSL became available in my area I had it installed on the
first analogue line and when the new ADSL connection was confirmed as
working I dropped the ISDN service.

All done with Arachnet and DoV to.

> I'd definitely try fight this one if I were you.

Can't really see how they can justify the fee.

> Cheers,
> Daniel

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