[plug] plug is junk ;-)

W.Kenworthy billk at iinet.net.au
Mon Mar 7 09:39:05 WST 2005

Strange, plug has never ended up in the junk folder for me.  Then again,
not a lot of the spam that makes it through iinets filters gets detected


On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 09:26 +0800, Gavin Chester wrote:
> Hi gang,
> For your amusement I thought you might like to know that a couple weeks
> ago I installed FC3 with Evolution 2.0.2 as email client in a long
> overdue upgrade.  Some may reckon that move was funny enough by itself,
> but the real joke is that Evo consistently puts  ALL plug mail in its
> junk folder, no matter how much I try to train it not to.  So, because
> you guys wouldn't stop writing cr at p and spam all the time I've had to
> turn off the junk filter just for you all  ;-)
> Regards, Gavin
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