[plug] [OT] Document Shared Properties

Timothy White weirdo at tigris.org
Mon Mar 21 23:37:50 WST 2005

I just had an idea. If I search for someone's name on the Internet I'm
bound to find pages that are a) definitely that person, b) another
person by that name or c) can't tell if it is or isn't them.
I was wondering if anyone knows of a way or algorithm that would allow
you to feed in multiple pages (and maybe a search term) and work out
which pages share attributes.

e.g. one friend I searched for had a few pages including one with her
name and some of her class mates and another one had her name and some
of her friends from a play. (Remembering there is other content) now
supposed that one of those other people was on both pages, that would
allow me to determine that they are probably the same person.

so simple example: search carrot face
page 1:
The following people did excellent in geography
mikey mouse
rat bait
orange peal
carrot face
page 2:
thanks goes out to carrot face, random boy and mick le. Also thanks to
orange for helping with the editing
page 3: (found by Google cause link text on another page has name in it)
created by carrot and rat
page 4:
more help included
carrot face
siames er
--- Page 1,2, and 3 have common features



Tim White - Use the Fox, Luke!
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