[plug] Automated Domain/Mail/Log/Apache setup Script

Shannon Carver Shannon.Carver at P-S-T.COM.AU
Tue Nov 22 11:30:31 WST 2005

Hi Guys, 


As our company's slowly grown from just occasionally adding
domains/mail/www services (I didn't mind doing this all buy hand), to
more than one a day, its becoming a very time consuming job firstly
setting up the dns, then apache, then the mail for that domain and its
sub domains.

Now, a bit of background, I used to work at an ISP, and we had an
automated script, that'd create base dns information for bind, another
virtual host directive for apache, and add the new domains to our
server.  Does anyone know of any packages that can do this, or something


I realise that this is a completely subjective thing, as a script
written for debian isn't necessarily going to work with a fedora server,
as well as differing mail setups, and config directories causing
problems in the same way.


Is there any thing anyone's used before, or am I best to quickly make
one up for this system?




Shannon Carver

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