[plug] Linux Desktop Market

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 28 10:19:22 WST 2005

>John Knight wrote:
>>The native tools vary between distros though. A new user has to learn the 
>>ins and outs of every distro in order to exactly the same thing. Native 
>>distro integration is possible, but is entriely in the hands of distros 
>>themselves. SuSE are showing some interest....
>Yep. To me, this is where the real issue lies. I don't personally care what 
>automatic dependency resolution tool they pick, what package management 
>tool is used, what GUI is layered over it, what package format is used, etc 
>- I just want the same damn one everywhere.
>While I can easily understand why that hasn't happened, just as distros 
>continue to diverge with their configuration schemes and tools for things 
>like networking, it doesn't stop me loating the fact. I can't even imagine 
>what it must be like for consultants trying to support "Linux" (as an OS in 

amen brother! ;)

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