[plug] [Slightly OT] Wireless ISP companies
Senectus .
senectus at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 16:34:05 WST 2005
On 9/8/05, Steve Boak <sboak at westnet.com.au> wrote:
> Sorry, should have said the town is Nannup, about 300Km south of Perth.
> Population of the shire is about 1200, with 600 in town and the rest spread
> over the entire shire. An ISP's nightmare, unless of course they are getting
> the HiBIS funding of (I believe) about $3000 per signup, in which case they
> are probably rubbing their hands and waiting to jump on us :-)
> Nearest FreeNet cell is Busselton, still 60km and several large hills away :-(
ahh crap.. :-/
Umm from experience I can tell you that even Sat link HiBIS is nowhere
NEAR 3k.. (less than a third of that actually), and that was for some
place in the middle of the scrub 200 odd km's north of Newman.
Give westnet etc a ring.. even worst case scenario Telstra HiBIS
satlink would be better than dial up :-)
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