[plug] HDTV Tuner card

Mike Holland myk.list at westnet.com.au
Thu Sep 15 09:43:07 WST 2005

Jim Householder wrote:

> Alright, what playback/eye lollies are you using?

I use separate record, playback and archiving (peg4) tools.
Playback is with mplayer, VLC, WinDVD, hardware (Z330), whatever.

But, to use a metaphor, it doesn't matter what TV you are using if the 
set-top-box is not working.

>  If I choose DVB I get errors ' cannot open card' 
> and 'no such file or directory'.

Did you load the drivers? What did the logs say?

Myth is a bit huge and complex. Does dvbstream work?

> I rejected the card mentioned above because its only input was antenna. 
>  I needed camera input as well.

The analog video input is totally unrealated, hardware-wise, to DVB.
Better maybe to have two cards.

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