[plug] [Slightly-OT] Computer for Paralysed

Mark Bolton voperth at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 15 23:12:05 WST 2005

I recently conversed with a person who was setting up
voice activated household appliances. Very expensive
and exclusive. I ran a hypothetical about text meets
radio and radio meets TV. viz How about a multi media
mark up language? Voice could be the first way key
boards become as obsolete as reel to reel audio got
ditched. What would a voice activated Dreamweaver look
like ? Activate a switch by using a higher voice pitch
?  Fourier transforms could pick out a command from
copy by locking in pitch. It might also be posible to
work some kind of ski mask with sensors that detect
muscle voltages " cock an eye brow means one thing...
you get the picture .   The sort of help your friend
requires is there.  
I have some knowledge of the techs invloved here 
Industrial  Electronics is my gig. 

--- Jacqueline McNally
<j-conversations at decisions-and-designs.com.au> wrote:

> Craig Ringer wrote:
> > Personally, Tim, I'd advise your friend to contact
> a disabled group, as
> > they're quite likely to have investigated many of
> the options and know
> > what the good and bad ones are. If nothing else,
> it's a start. Don't
> > rule out Windows either - for one thing, if it
> does the job then who's
> > to argue. [...]
> http://www.tadwa.org.au/
> Regards
> Jacqueline
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