[plug] eth0 does not come up

Tomasz Grzegurzko tomasz89 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 06:15:02 WST 2006

On 12/5/06, Jon  Miller <jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au> wrote:
> On a Suse 10 OS I cannot get the eth0 to come up.  I can see it when I issue lsmod as e100, but everything else I try does not bring up the interface.  Any ideals, this is on a IBM ThinkPad A22m.  I've tried both dhcp and hard coded the ip address and it is set to startup on boot, etc.
> Thanks
What do the kernel messages say when the interface module is loaded,
and after you've tried to get it up? What does mii-tool report about
the link status? Can you give a lspci to see what kind of card it is?
Is this OpenSUSE or SLED, I am not really familiar with the version
numbers? Can you also give a uname -a listing to see what kernel
version you're running, exactly.


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