[plug] alternative business strategy?

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 10 17:30:40 WST 2006

Hi all,

Just been pondering an alternative way of handling the annual IT budget, 
especially to do with MS Office and OOo. I figure with OOo's current 
functionality, any non-profit organisation would be hard pressed to justify 
the cost of Office, unless there was a REAL niche thing in there that they 
needed. A normal capitalist business is different of course, but it's still 
an area to look at. Anyway, what I'm getting at is this:

Instead of saving on the IT budget for a year, by changing to OOo, keep the 
same budget, but use it to pay an OOo developer to implement whatever niche 
you might need Office for. That way, not only do you get the the software 
*to serve you*, but it also benefits the rest of the community.

I'm no authority in this regard, so pluggers, is there any merit to this 
argument? Please criticise.


"...it was brilliant, there was three up against a thousand, and boy, did we 
give those three heaps!"

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