[plug] Re: [plug-announce] AGM 2006 - January 30th, 7:30pm

Cameron Patrick cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Mon Jan 9 19:21:12 WST 2006

Daniel J. Axtens wrote:

> >  - Two Ordinary Committee Members (currently Tim White, Ryan Smith,
> >    Greg Macham)
> Hang on - 2 OCMs need to be elected but we currently have 3? Is the
> committee shrinking, or am I missing something?

The constitution (which admittedly has little correlation to how PLUG is
actually run in practice) doesn't say anything about the composition of
the committee besides that it must have a Pres, Vice Pres, Treas and
Sec'y.  Traditionally there have been two OCMs, but at the last AGM a
motion was put forward to increase the number of OCMs on the committee
for that year to three.

Personally I'd rather see a small-ish committee that could delegate
responsibilities to community members as necessary (hence the
non-committee roles of librarian, talks co-ordinator, webmasters, and
various sys admins), but that's just me.  There's a surprising number of
little jobs that need to get done for PLUG to run smoothly ...

Talks coordinator is one role in particular that has been neglected
since Jacqueline McNally ran away from it in 2003 (quite sensibly
considering the number of other things she does!).  I encourage everyone
to consider taking this one on - it largely involves chasing people up
and finding speakers (or following up on those who come to you).

Speaking of seminars, there will be no seminar tomorrow night despite
what the web site says.  The January seminar will be delayed a week to
the 17th, and will be followed by a tour of the supercomputer facility
at Tech Park.  A proper announcement with more details should come in a
few hours' time.


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