[plug] Sarge Debian installartion

Tomasz Grzegurzko tomasz_g at arach.net.au
Wed Jan 11 13:10:42 WST 2006

Quoting David Dartnall <darts at arach.net.au>:

> Advice wanted please.
> Does the Debian process offer the alternative of installation to a 
> specific drive? (hdb in my case - hda has windows and mandriva, and hdc 
> also contains windows material) - or will it overwrite the first thing 
> it comes to?
> hdb is free but would require repartitioning I guess...
> I'm worried about continuing with with the installation procedure 
> because I can find nothing in the docs relating to this.
> Thanks and belated good wishes to all for 2006
> Dave Dartnall

I always saw the Debian installer as being the most flexible and un-st00pid when
it comes to these things. My memory of similar dual booting experiences (as well
as software raid drives) and stuff when it comes to Debian is all good - I think
you're okay to proceed with the install and just be careful at the
partitioning/filesystem stage..


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