[plug] Fedora Core 5 - Install

Shayne O'Neill shayneo at bestflights.com.au
Mon Jul 24 10:50:48 WST 2006

>Diversity gives choice - but too much diversity causes factionalisation
away from the central cause - ie Instead >of the fight being between
Linux vs Microsoft - it seems to increase the tendency for distro wars -
then you add >in the differences with the Solaris systems and the BSD
systems as well.

I still reckon there are only three types of linux these days

Red hat (and its children , ie mandrake/SuSe/etc)
Debian (and its children, ubuntu, Xandros, etc)
Gentoo (and its children, if it has any)

I just stick to debian stuff and my knowledge transfers nicely. Debian
for the server, Ubuntu for the desktop, and Xandros for my grandmother.

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