[plug] wiring a house

Kev kdownes at tpg.com.au
Fri Mar 3 09:27:45 WST 2006

Ari Finander wrote:

>>Or discretely behind a door in the corner. Just remember to get beige
>>cables, not blue :-)
> Dangling cables...hmmm...perhaps trying to beef up the dodgy wireless would be better?

In the couple places where I was stuck with internal walls and no 
built-ins I used some rather neat stick-on square conduit (with a 
removeable cover) right in the corner of the room.  It's a neat 
solution, and once painted is almost invisible.  The conduit is 
available from any electrical trade supply store in lengths up to about 
6m.  The sticky stuff on it (for attatchment to wall) is extreme - hence 


Kev Downes
kdownes at tpg.com.au  ph 0404 7 0808 2
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