[plug] New toy just arrived

W.Kenworthy billk at iinet.net.au
Tue May 23 14:26:52 WST 2006

hmm, why wait so long ...

1. instantly unpack laptop and pwr supp (leave the rest for later)
2. insert gentoo 2006.0 disk and boot
3. go make tea
4. configure liveCD system for your network
5. copy suitable existing gentoo system to new machine: something like:
tar -c -p -f - --exclude './usr/portage/distfiles/*' --exclude
'./var/tmp/*' --exclude 'proc/*' .|ssh newpc 'cd /mnt/gentoo && tar
xvpfi -'
6. drink tea while copying
7. configure, reboot
8. enjoy
9 ...

On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 12:24 +0800, meyerri wrote:
> .. not even 5 mins ago - my Dell 6400 with Radeon X1400 and 2GB
> memory.
> I've still got to unpack it, but I thought I'd brag a bit while I
> waited for my tea to cool, so I could continue ....
> Will let you know later about Linux compatibility.   ;-)
> Cheers
> RichardM
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