[plug] recovering data off scratched cd

Tim Bowden tim.bowden at westnet.com.au
Thu Nov 30 21:05:49 WST 2006

On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 20:50 +0800, Caleb Duggan wrote:
> I have a game cd(caesar 3) which has been scratched somehow and is unable  
> to install as a result. Does anybody know of any decent tools to recover  
> data from a damaged cd in linux?

Toothpaste works for me.  Lightly buff the surface with toothpaste and
water. You may be able to remove the scratch enough to get a good read.
Always worked for me but ymmv.  Buff too much and you will go though the
protective surface then you have no chance.

Tim Bowden

> thanks

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