[plug] apt-cacher

Kev kdownes at tpg.com.au
Tue Oct 3 15:05:36 WST 2006

Adrian Chadd wrote:
> I run a transparent http cache at home which caches the packages
> files.  I then have an NFS export for my debian and ubuntu servers
> (one for each) which they can then dump packages onto.
> This seems to do the job quite nicely!
> What does apt-proxy/apt-cacher give you over that?
Apt-cacher keeps all of your cached packages in a repository format.  
So, if you're running several similar machines on a LAN, you simply 
point their package managers at the apt-cacher respository.  So, the 
server probably, has apt-cacher installed.  All updates or other 
packages are downloaded into the server (apt-cacher).  This means that 
you only have to download packages once from the world, and all machines 
within the LAN can use the internal repository for their updates etc.

It works-a-treat :-)

Kev Downes
kdownes at tpg.com.au  ph 0404 7 0808 2
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