[plug] October Seminar?

Peter F Bradshaw pfb at exadios.com
Sun Oct 22 18:29:46 WST 2006


On Tue, 10 Oct 2006, Stuart Midgley wrote:

> If necessary, iVEC can probably provide a venue...

That would be good. However, failing an iVEC venue, I could approach
some people at Murdoch University to see if we could not get a venue
there. I realize that, from a geographical point of view, Murdoch is
not an ideal location for many people.

> On 10/10/2006, at 14:01, Peter F Bradshaw wrote:
> > Hi;
> >
> > I'm confused. Is it the situation that we have someone avaliable to
> > give
> > a talk but there is no venue avaliable?


Peter F Bradshaw, http://www.exadios.com
Public key at www.exadios.com/pfb.pgp.key and www.exadios.com/pfb.gpg.key
Personal site: http://personal.exadios.com
"I love truth, and the way the government still uses it occasionally to
 keep us guessing." - Sam Kekovich.

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