[plug] Fluid damage to Laptop

Jonathan Young jonathan at pcphix.com
Sat Sep 16 14:49:31 WST 2006

On 9/16/2006, "Richard Meyer" <meyerri at westnet.com.au> wrote:

>Now, hasn't this thread wandered far?  ;-)  The on-topic police must be
>getting their riot gear together for a blitz here.

Initial thread topic = spilling alcholic beverages on personal computers
and dealing with the consequences of their subsequent behaviour.

Current thread topic = spilling alcholic beverages on personal computers
and dealing with the consequences of their subsequent behaviour.

I don't see a problem?

If there was, then I made it so by starting this on the main list despite
the fact that the laptop that got covered in wine does not currently run

It also just occurred to me that not one person made a pun about running
WINE on a Toshiba notebook.  Interesting...

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