[plug] Re: Closure of Open Source WA

Shayne O'Neill shayneo at bestflights.com.au
Wed Sep 20 16:53:49 WST 2006

Someone really needs to set up a senator slapper. (It's a script that
relays an email to all politicians in state or federal or whatever).

I still alas havent received a response to my FOI. Its entirely possible
it has to be done via paper.

Next one I'll cc past the ACC just to put some more firecrackers up

-----Original Message-----
From: plug-bounces at plug.org.au [mailto:plug-bounces at plug.org.au] On
Behalf Of Arie Hol
Sent: Wednesday, 20 September 2006 4:49 PM
To: plug at plug.org.au
Subject: Re: [plug] Re: Closure of Open Source WA

On 20 Sep 2006 at 1:30, Fred Janon wrote:

> Sorry, I got a bit lost in this thread, can someone just tell me who 
> are the people we need to send email to to register our protest? I 
> remember one person being on vacation, so it might not be the best 
> way...

So far I have sent emails to :


Fran Logan M.P. at :

francis-logan at dpc.wa.gov.au

1 reply to date.


Anthony Simpson M.P. at :

sjoffice at mp.wa.gov.au

2 replies to date


Alan Carpenter Premier W.A. at :

wa-government at dpc.wa.gov.au

I have not received any response from the premiers office, will resend
original to see if it makes any difference.


I have also been in touch with other people, but cannot ad anything
further than the messages already received in the emails I have posted.

All of the responses that I get will be posted to the list.

Regards Arie
 For the concert of life, nobody has a program.
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