[plug] openoffice calc api

W.Kenworthy billk at iinet.net.au
Thu Aug 2 12:22:51 WST 2007

Its been awhile, but perl has modules to write data into excel and csv
files.  Worked fine when I used them.


On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 11:53 +0800, Steve Boak wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm trying to update a couple of fields in an openoffice calc spreadsheet with 
> data from an automated weather station but I'm having trouble finding an API 
> to do it. 
> I'm currently using a perl script to save the data into a mysql database, but 
> I'd like to have my spreadsheet updated automatically with the daily min, max 
> and rainfall data instead of doing it manually when I remember :-)
> I have found stuff on writing csv or xls files, but that still leaves me with 
> manually importing that into calc.
> perl, python, php, shell, any interface will do :-)
> Thanks for any ideas...
> Steve
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