[plug] Re: Companies using Linux around Perth
Paul Antoine
pma-la at milleng.com.au
Sun Dec 2 20:43:02 WST 2007
iiNet does *not* use recruiters, and all the recruiters in town know so:
the recruiter in question was flat-out lying.
iiNet is convinced they are so good they don't have to pay well.
Turnover is a natural consequence of this as anyone who has employed
people is well aware. Massages, fruit and free booze only go so far as
eventually they all want big shiny plasma screens :-)
Seriously though, salaries in Perth are a good deal lower than the east
coast, and Linux use here seems very low. If you happen to be Cisco
certified or have Oracle version-the-latest DBA experience then you'll
have more luck, and much more luck if you happen to have "mining
experience" (deity alone knows why that matters.)
Elsewhere UWA was mentioned - although some departments use Linux it is
my understanding that the main IT dept. is an M$/Cisco shop. I recently
completed a small (but stunningly useful ;-) php application for a
research organisation despite UWA IT's objections to all things free.
Seems a degree is necessary for employment there but not any form of
common sense regarding appropriate use of technology... sigh.
Not that Perth's IT/employment proclivities are getting me down at
all... I suppose I must put it down to having spent too much time in
Sydney and San Francisco :-P
Maybe I should form startup #7 and pay people just above iiNet's
salaries sans the massages? The fruit has to stay... ;-)
Jonathan wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tomasz Grzegurzko" <tomasz89 at gmail.com>
> To: plug at plug.org.au
> Sent: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:31:45 +0900
> Subject: Re: [plug] Re: Companies using Linux around Perth
>> On Nov 28, 2007 12:24 PM, Jonathan <jonathan_k at dropzone.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Adrian. iiNet were my preferred employer when I arrived here, as my last position was
>> with an
>>> ISP in Sydney. Unfortunately the salary was well below my expectations (the fruit and massages
>>> weren't going to make up the difference ;)... ).
>>> Does anyone on the list work for iiNet or has worked for them in the past? I'm curious as to
>> why
>>> they're always advertising for engineers, when they have acquired some ISPs with very good
>> engineers
>>> already working for them. Maybe they just don't want to relocate?
>>> Thanks to the people who replied off-list too.
>>> Jonathan
>> Suggest searching the archives ... ;)
>> Tomasz
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> Thanks Tomasz. Reading the thread that was discussed last November gave me a good insight into my
> current situation with iiNet, in fact the whole thread bordered on hilarious in light of my dealings
> with them.
> When i initially applied the girl on the phone hurriedly got to the point in the phone interview
> where she asked me about salary expectations, her reply was "let me tell you, it's way below that",
> I don't know where they find these HR people... you think they could be a bit more subtle about
> their salary shortcomings. I told her pretty bluntly that it must be a junior position at that rate
> (I guess i could be more subtle too, I don't know where they find these candidates ;)).
> More recently I've had two different recruitment agents eager to put my resume forward to iiNet,
> convinced that they could secure a higher salary, I let them do so but told them it was at their own
> risk, one guy did manage to get an interview, which was subsequently canceled on the day. The whole
> situation makes sense after reading through that thread.
> Jonathan
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> PLUG discussion list: plug at plug.org.au
> http://www.plug.org.au/mailman/listinfo/plug
> Committee e-mail: committee at plug.linux.org.au
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