[plug] Everyone MUST drive a Ford with a 6 Cylinder Petrol Engine
James Albert Duffield
jim at kultcher.com
Sat Dec 22 15:32:37 WST 2007
G'day Bruno,
I am also intrigued, no bemused, by a TAFE/Tertiary sector that trains
people to service only the Ford six cylinder Motor car! No? It does
not! Well bugger me!!
Of course, they train motor mechanics, yet when it comes to IT, we
accept that that is their wont!
It is truly bullshit.
On Sat, 2007-12-22 at 09:08 +0800, Bruno Cristovao wrote:
> ... I too was frustrated how other countries see open source software
> as the education revolution. But once again $5billion dollars is
> wasted, until these morons get the chance to fly out on the fact
> finding tax payer mission and see how well they can implement it back
> home. Firstly they must screw the taxpayer again and insult everyone's
> intelligence who complained, protested and campaigned in the first
> place.
> We see other countries insisting on open source software as the
> revolution shaping the future.
> They have taken some of the savings and invested it back into the open
> source projects.
> They have also taken the initiative to support the manufacturers and
> the service people.
> It is ironic that some leaders of open source software are Australians
> and they have cult status
> overseas, but at home they are like wild dogs roaming the Australian
> bush.
> I guess the average Aussie is banking on the resources of the ground
> to sustain them forever.
> We know that never lasts but I guess we have one of the most selfish
> generations who think that the generations behind them will stick
> around when the shit hits the fan and pay for their engineered
> economic stranglehold.
> I do not pay for 95% of software and I will not pay for my 100%
> enslavement.
> Summing up anything that has the word "open" reminds me of freedom.
> Season's Greetings and best wishes in the new year to everyone.
> Cheers
> Bruno Cristovao
> OzBevNet.com - Australian and New Zealand non-alcoholic drinks
> directory.
-- Jim Duffield PQG____________LINUX User #351552____________0415-710538
"A Veteran is someone who at one point in his or her life wrote a cheque
payable to the people of Australia for an amount of 'Up To and Including
My Life'" - Thanks Milton...
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