[plug] [Semi-OT] Laptops

Josh Fletcher joshyf at nerdsarefordorks.net
Sun Feb 11 14:20:07 WST 2007


Just thought I'd give you a run-down on what I'm using.

Compaq Presario B3800 (few years old now).

1.8Ghz Mobile Pentium
ATI Mobility Radeon 9700
Wireless and lots of slots for memory cards

To date, I've had Ubuntu Dapper, OpenSuSE 10.2 and as of yesterday Fedora
Core 6 running on this laptop, all dual-booting with Windows (need it for

Mostly all the hardware is recognised right off the bat. With Ubuntu I've
had the wireless working (took a *little* bit of work) and Compiz running
fine. OpenSuSE worked great but I couldn't get XGL working so I switched to
Fedora Core 6 where I'm hoping AIGLX and Beryl will play nice and I can get
nice fancy graphics. As you can see, the hardware issues are minimal and if
I was using Linux for the normal everyday stuff it would be fine.

Oh, that's right, there is also apparently an issue with the Intel sound on
the board that never works straight from install, but can be fixed with


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