[plug] iVEC Visiting Fellow, Phil Schwan

Stuart Midgley stuart.midgley at ivec.org
Tue Feb 20 14:19:29 WST 2007

Hi all

Apologies if you receive this more than once.

iVEC is pleased to announce its latest International Fellow, Phil  
Schwan.  Phil is a leading American expert on open source business,  
successful software development and high performance computing.

Phil is visiting Western Australia for 3 months to share his  
knowledge on incorporating open source into business models, advanced  
software engineering processes, and effective HPC solutions. He will  
be running a series of seminars during this time and is available for  
consultation (free of charge).

If you would like time with Phil, or would like him to present a  
seminar or talk, please contact

	Phil Schwan
	iVEC Visiting Fellow
	phil at off.net

	Dr Stuart Midgley
	iVEC Industry and Government Uptake Program Leader
	industry at ivec.org

We are pleased to have Phil in Western Australia for this short  
period and encourage everyone to attend one of his seminars/talks  
(details provided at a later date) or arrange an individual session.


Dr Stuart Midgley
Industry and Government Uptake Program Leader
ARRC Facility Director
iVEC, 'The hub of advanced computing in Western Australia'
26 Dick Perry Avenue, Technology Park
Kensington WA 6151

Phone: +61 8 6436 8545
Fax: +61 8 6436 8555
Email: industry at ivec.org
WWW:  http://www.ivec.org

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