[plug] Presentation suggestion...

Ian Kent raven at themaw.net
Thu Jul 26 20:34:34 WST 2007

On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 19:26 +0800, Patrick Coleman wrote:
> On 7/26/07, Fred Janon <fjanon at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > May I suggest a PLUG presentation where the different distributions are
> > presented? A few of them, the common ones or the ones members use or
> > know? With the pros and cons. Maybe 5-10 minutes speech and a couple of
> > minutes of a demo?
> >
> > I really don't know anything about the pros and cons of the different
> > distributions, so I would love to hear about them.

I could talk briefly about Fedora but probably shouldn't.

> >
> > I also would like to see a presentation on how to compile the kernel,

Oh ya, that would be brief!
Grab tarball, untar, cd to top level directory, type make.

> > basically to be able to work on the kernel, make some changes and
> > submit a patch if successful and interesting...

And that's totally different subject.

People tend to be knowledgeable about specific areas, the kernel is
complex, don't think that after a 1 hour talk you'll be able to
identify, debug and produce a patch! Much of the time it's hard enough
to just skim through the kernel mailing list without actually doing any

What would be really good is if someone could give a series of talks
about oops, BUG and panic message decoding, including working out where
in the kernel source the problem occurred etc.

> >
> > And maybe one about the kernel architecture and on eabout the
> > filesystem architecture.

Kernel architecture, which part, there's lots.
I could put something together about the VFS but how much detail and
which areas would people want to know about?

> Sounds great. Is anyone interested in presenting any of the above?

What say you to the above?


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