[plug] Webcam Recommendations

David Dartnall darts at dialix.com.au
Mon Mar 19 21:31:16 WST 2007

sothisistheinternet wrote:
> Hi Lance,
> I'm not sure but I'm also interested in this. I'm looking into buying 
> a webcam (looking at the Logitech QuickCam Fusion) so my mother can 
> view her new granddaughter from the other side of the world. I'd like 
> to also be able to use this camera under linux, but I haven't done 
> thorough checking yet.
> cheers,
> Ari
> On 3/19/07, *Lance Duivenbode* <plug at duivenbode.id.au 
> <mailto:plug at duivenbode.id.au>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I've been asked by my father to set up a webcam for use with the
>     MSN protocol.
>     At the moment, I've got him running Kubuntu Dapper and neither he
>     nor I are
>     keen to shift him back to Windows just for MSN. Whilst he's just a
>     basic
>     user, he's had zero troubles with running Linux compared to when
>     he ran
>     Windows - at least 1 support (i.e. me) call a week!
>     So, I've used Kopete with MSN before with no problems, and I'm
>     pretty sure I
>     can use webcams with it - does anyone have suggestions as to
>     webcam that I
>     can use 'out of the box'?
>     Thanks,
>     Lance
If you find a driver for the QuickCam Fusion webcam please let me know. 
I have access to one but all my research indicates that there's no Linux 
driver for it. Sounds like a pretty nice unit too.
Are there any recommendations for a similar camera with inbuilt 
microphone etc that can be used with Linux? (Edgy)

good luck
Dave Dartnall

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