[plug] Which brand of laptop?

w0018749 w0018749 at mail.connect.usq.edu.au
Sun Aug 10 09:32:06 WST 2008

Thanks everyone for the comments.

I like the idea of the separate number keyboard and dual
booting.  My old laptop is actually a R30 which is far from
what I guessed (I wasn't on it when I sent the original

It seems like any new computer will satisfy the DVD and
burner issues and have a big enough hard drive to run two
operating systems - even at the same time.

As for the brand it seems like it is not all that critical
since even brands that some people would avoid still work
fine for others.  But I have a few in mind and I will do
some research when I have the time.

I will probably run the windows that comes with the computer
but most likely swap it with xp since I am more familiar
with xp.

I live in Qld and we do have a local linux user group but
the discussion group has seem to have folded.  I don't know
if one of the linux user group requirement is that you
contact the nearest group or not but the 'plug' group was
the easiest to subscribe and I didn't have the time to mess
around - besides I come from WA origally.

I don't know anything much about wireless networks but the
uni runs the internet on wireless and I am assuming if you
got a laptop with 'wireless G' you could access wireless



> I am buying a new laptop and I want to know: What brand of
> computers are the best?  This question probably has many
> answers so just a link to another discussion somewhere
> would be enough - or even a list of brands to avoid.
> These are the things I need on this laptop:
> 1- big enough hard drive to have both linux and windows
> 2- keyboard with a number pad at the right (if possible)
> 3- DVD player and cd burner
> 4- wireless internet
> 5- I also need a stress-free installation process - I have
> had several attempts of installing linux and not many
> successes
> I plan to install ubunta (spelling?) as I heard it can be
> configured for wireless.
> I have been using linux for about a year on an old IBM
> "thinkpad" R52(?) laptop with 10Gb of memory.  It works
> good but its not big enough to run windows which I need
> from time to time for programs sent from Uni.  I have a
> DEL desktop but I am not so sure about that company.  If
> usb sticks are an indicator TOSHIBA looks good since you
> can fit two side by side in two adjacent ports and in the
> shell it does not have spaces in the key directory
> Regards
> Nathan
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