[plug] Possibly OpenSourceWA related?

Phillip Twiss phillip.twiss at det.wa.edu.au
Fri Dec 12 08:00:08 WST 2008

G'Day All

	My only comment is that Roy was involved with OSWA, to what extent this alleged fraud impacted OSWA remains an exercise best left to the reader.

	OSWA was not the only DOIR controlled area in Tech Park, I can think of several other areas it would have been far more lucrative to defraud

	I guess we wait and see what the court case brings to light :}


	Phill Twiss

	P.S.  	He was a likeable enough fellow
	P.P.S.	Maybe he was just really bad with his paperwork and the money is not "missing" but just "mislaid"?
	P.P.P.S.	If he is guilty, then lets hope the law can recover the money and punish him appropriately ( if he was a centrelink recipient and knocked of 1.2M, how many years gaol would he get? )

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