[plug] "Eeepc: tips & tricks": Recap and Links.
David Dartnall
darts at dialix.com.au
Fri Dec 12 21:10:31 WST 2008
mccabedj wrote:
> David Dartnall wrote:
>> Hi, all of you who went, it sounded like it would be a really
>> constructive talk.
>> I'd just bought a 4G (701) and unfortunately couldn't get there last
>> Tuesday.
>> Was there some sort of record kept which could be helpful to me please?
>> regards
>> Dave Dartnall
> Well, my slides are available at
> http://www.ucc.asn.au/~mccabedj/eeepc/Eeepc.pdf
> The software I discussed has precompiled versions at:
> http://www.ucc.asn.au/~mccabedj/eeepc
> Three precompiled files that you may be interested in:
> - compcache-0.4_eeepc701.tar.gz
> Uses compression memory to increase effective size of memory, see
> http://code.google.com/p/compcache/
> I spent a fair bit of time discussing compcache, as I have done some
> work testing an packaging this project.
> - i810pan_new.tar.bz2
> Allows a virtual resolution larger than the actual size of the screen.
> The display follows the mouse.
> - overclock.tar.bz2
> Allows you to "over clock" the CPU (actually return the CPU to its
> rated frequency, so this is fairly safe, although may increase power
> consumption). The 900MHz Dothan is faster than a typical P4 1.6GHz
> when running at its full speed.
> I think someone also videoed the talk. I don't know what happened with
> that.
> The Eeepc has very limited software in its repos, so I added the etch
> repositories. However if you add the etch repositories you *must* use
> apt-pinning or risk hosing your system. (You can restore to factory
> defaults by pressing F9 while booting, but then you lose all your
> customizations and data). How to do apt-pinning is discussed at:
> http://wiki.eeeuser.com/addingxandrosrepos
> You may also be interested in various other tips and tricks, including
> how to set up compiz:
> http://www.r3uk.co.uk/index.php/home/36-useful-information/79-eeepc-tips-and-tricks
> Compiz is nice as with transparency you can see two windows at once,
> even with the Eeepc's tiny monitor. However the above link does not
> get transparency working under compiz. To do this you need proper DRI
> support. This requires you to install:
> http://www.ucc.asn.au/~mccabedj/eeepc/eeepc_3d_drivers.tgz
> which was originally from:
> http://tikiwiki.tuxworld.ch/tiki-index.php?page=HowTo_beryl_on_eeePC
John, that's really appreciated - far beyond the call of duty!
You've put a lot of time into it and I'm really going to have some fun
following up all those leads.
Thank you.
Dave Dartnall
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