[plug] strange network activity?

W.Kenworthy billk at iinet.net.au
Tue Jan 1 15:02:27 WST 2008

I have not used jnettop so I dont know how good it is - however I do
trust the others and if they are not showing such packets, then they
dont exit.

Another good test for this is something like "tcpdump -i eth0" just let
it run in a console  and see if any odd packets show up.

One possibility seeing one is a NAS, is it scanning for MS systems to
connect to?  Try powercycling it and see if it triggers this behaviour.


On Tue, 2008-01-01 at 16:28 +1100, Rob Dunne wrote:
> William Kenworthy wrote:
>  > you dont say what operating systems each has.
> is ubuntu
> is debian -- a linkstation NAS hacked via FreeLink. 
> http://nas-central.org/index.php/FreeLink_for_the_Linkstation_Pro
> it doesnt support a monitor and there is no X-server installed on it.
> This is the one with the network activity.
>  > Try iftop, iptraf, wireshark and etherape
> iftop and  iptraf only show active connection to and the
> modem.
> iftop
> <->
> <->  iConnectAccess621
> iptraf
> UDP (74 bytes) from to on eth0
> UDP (72 bytes) from to on eth0
>  >
>  > You have a few networks showing - perhaps a quick sketch of the
>  > network(s) layout may help to see whats happening (do the others
>  > exist?).
> there is just and connected to a hub and 
> then a modem -- none of the other machines ( etc) exist.
> Also iptraf  shows the incoming rates
> are the same as the outgoing rates -- is traffic just being routed 
> through and  jnettop is just confused about all the other
> IP addresses?
> Bye
> Rob
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