[plug] sheet music, chords & lyrics

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Thu Jul 3 18:47:08 WST 2008

Adam Hewitt <ahewitt at theozhewitts.com> writes:

> I am looking for linux software that will allow me to add lyrics and
> chords/bass ready for printing. I have seen that there are a number of
> options available, but before I start going through and installing
> them all I thought I would get some feedback.

If you want high quality typeset music score, lilypond, possibly coupled
with LaTeX or ConTeXt, seems to be the best choice.  abc, musictex and
similar tools seem to be better if you want very simple, traditional
rendering rather than the modern score style.

If you are looking for a graphical tool, Roseguarden seems to be the
best current option, and works with lilypond to produce high quality
score output.


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