[plug] Eee 901 and other "netbooks"

Adam Ashley aashley at adamashley.name
Mon Sep 22 13:25:45 WST 2008

yeah dont bother with the 1000HD get the 1000H which is $650 odd at jbhifi now.

I've got a 701 and a 1000H, and the extra power of the 1.6Ghz Atom in
the 1000H over the 900Mhz Celeron (clocked to 600Mhz by default) in
the 701, 900 and 1000HD is well worth the price premium.

The Acer and Dells are pretty cheaply built, and the touchpad on the
acer is truely crap, but otherwise they're reasonable machines.

The MSI Wind is a good machine if you managed to get one of the
initial 'special edition' ones covered in love hearts. ie the only one
shipping with a 6 cell battery in Australia, but they're all sold out

>From playing with em my recommendation would be EeePC 901 if you can
put up with the small keyboard, or absolutely must have a solid state
drive right now. Else the EeePC 1000H if you want a bit bigger screen
and keyboard (much bigger keyboard actually) and dont mind having a
normal hard drive.

The thing to note the hard drive is the 1000H is easily user
replacable unlike the 901 where you have to pretty much disasemble the
unit to replace it. So you could replace it with a SSD later when the
price is more favourable.

As to OS to run on em, nuke what it comes with and install
http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/ as of 8.04.1 just boot the live cd/usb
key/sd card run the installer and thats it. 100% working hardware out
of the box. For my 1000H I have done no tweaking what-so-ever it all
just works.

Adam Ashley

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