[plug] Which Scanners?

James Clarke jamesc at global.net.au
Sat May 30 11:04:57 WST 2009

Hi Peter,

Last time I did any slide or negative scanning I did it under windows,  
but I did all of the post processing under Linux.

The only thing is that scanning is so time consuming, now-a-days I get  
it professionally done because the time savings out weigh the cost of  
getting it professionally done. Finding someone in Perth who does a  
good job I'm not sure. Valentines in Fremantle did a good job on  
Negatives, but not on slides, might want to try someone like  
Fitzgerald or Churchhill. I'm living in Japan now and it's easy to  
find places who do a good job of scanning here. Actually here is  
photographic heaven.



On 30/05/2009, at 11:10 AM, Peter Sutter wrote:

> I am looking for a scanner with slide scanning capabilities. It  
> appears that
> none of the models currently on the market is supported by Linux,  
> they are
> either not listed on http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html or  
> marked as
> unsupported, and the ones listed with good or complete can't be  
> purchased
> anymore.
> Will consider two separate scanners too, single slide scanner and  
> normal A4
> scanner.
> Has anybody got any of the newer scanners working under Linux, and  
> with which
> drivers?
> Thanks
> Peter
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