[plug] boot from stick

Scott Middleton scott at assuretek.com.au
Tue Jan 12 07:13:14 WST 2010

2010/1/11 Kev <kdownes at oceanbroadband.net>

> Why not just use the KISS principle.  usb-creator-gtk or usb-creator-kde
> work a-treat!
Yep http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
 <http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/>Make multi-linux bootable from USB and
the windows version is easier to use. It will even download the iso for you.

> orm wrote:
>> Thanks Ishwor.
>> How do I write the master boot record to the 1st 512 bytes and, where do i
>> find that record?
>> Ishwor Gurung wrote:
>>> Hi Orm,
>>> 2010/1/11 orm <ormg1 at bigpond.com>:
>>> [...]
>>>> The CD i have is short on space to burn LinuxMint-8. Can i extract
>>>> Mint-8 to
>>>> a USB stick, then boot from the stick instead of from a CD?
>>> In short yes - You have to make sure you write the master boot record
>>> into the first 512 byte  of your USB stick (boot sector) and then make
>>> sure your BIOS supports booting off USB.There are very many guides on
>>> the net to help you with that.
>>> --
>>> Regards
>>> Ishwor Gurung
>>> Key id:0xa98db35e
>>> Key fingerprint:FBEF 0D69 6DE1 C72B A5A8  35FE 5A9B F3BB 4E5E 17B5
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> --
> =======================================================================
> Kev Downes
> The Other Other Operation
> kdownes at oceanbroadband.net  ph 0404 7 0808 2
> We currently use Xandros 4.1
> =======================================================================
> There are 10 types of people ...
>  ... those who understand binary, and those who don't!
> =======================================================================
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> mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that
> it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
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Scott Middleton
Managing Director
Linux Consultants Pty Ltd t/as AssureTek
Email - Scott at assuretek.com.au
Phone - 1300 551 696
Mobile - 0400 212 724
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