[plug] Recycled machines

Jason Posavec jasonposavec at iinet.net.au
Sun Jan 17 10:55:29 WST 2010

Kai wrote:
> Hi guys and girls,
> I just finished rebuilding two machines out of four machines, installed
> Ubuntu 9.10 on them so the new user won't have to worry about licensing
> or anything else. Gunna find someone local here who needs a computer,
> but can't afford one...and give them a late Christmas prezzie.
> Just wanna know if anyone has any suggestions of a Linux distro that
> would be more suited to new users than Ubuntu? I mean Ubuntu's pretty
> good but yeah, I'm open to ideas.
> There's a guy in town who's son's mentally handicapped, does EdUbuntu or
> KUbuntu have some more useful features for him to do some brain
> exercises and that kinda stuff?
> Cheers
> Kai
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I've heard the name Mint being thrown around as more user-friendly than 


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