[plug] [OT] Big Jump In Spam

Chris Hoy Poy chris at hoypoy.id.au
Wed Nov 17 07:38:19 WST 2010

Just a regular spike Tim :) I see these fairly regularly, especially for older domains. 

I've seen a couple hit spikes of several hundred per minute (and thats with tarpitting), and pretty sure I'm still on the smallish fry end of spam processing. Any iiNet/Westnet mail admins care to say what they see go through the ironports there? Someone's probably said it before, but I haven't looked and its probably fairly humorous. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim" <weirdit at gmail.com>
To: "plug" <plug at plug.org.au>
Sent: Wednesday, 17 November, 2010 7:17:35 AM
Subject: [plug] [OT] Big Jump In Spam

Has anyone noticed yesterday a big jump in spam going through servers?
I noticed a large jump, from average of 60-80 messages a day rejected,
to ~850 yesterday. Most are being rejected by spamhaus.org.
Or is it just that one of the domains I host finally hit a spammers
list? (Seeing as all the messages are to the same domain).

Just thought I'd see what others are experiencing.


-- Timothy White - Somewhere in Australia
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