[plug] PLUG News round-up (long)

Haydon Knight nodyah at gmail.com
Sat May 14 14:25:54 WST 2011

Hi, some thoughts:

You say that only 44/370 members have coughed up the $10 annual fee.  That's
12%.  Have you considered an alternative way to doubling revenue would,
rather than doubling the annual fee, be to increase the number of members
coughing up to 88/370 (24% - still a very small percentage)?

Perhaps one way might be to have an easily-accessible 'donate' or 'pay dues'
page on the plug website that takes members to paypal or somewhere where
they can pay their money in an single-step/easy/internety way.  Right now it
is actually a multi-step non-automated hassle to pay the membership fee -
perhaps it is this hassle that is preventing greater numbers coughing up.

Best wishes

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