No subject

Tue Nov 29 10:43:08 WST 2011

2x Debian 2.0 binary disks
2x "Stuff" disks
2x RedHat 5.1

The "Stuff" CD consists of:
a) Debian contrib
b) KDE
c) RedHat 5.1 updates
d) SO4 (you can figure this TLA out for yourself)

My home machine took one look at the debian bin CD at bootup and said 
"I'll boot off the CD-ROM". I did not continue any further other than 
that. I finally managed to figure out how to make the RedHat disks 
CD-bootable (a case of RTFM).

Three machines were disasembled and reassembled on the night:
a) An old 8086 XT "portable" (a quick look at the contents)
b) My office machine (swapped CD-ROM for CD-R)
c) My home machine   (swapped CD-R for CD-ROM)

IMHO a rather poor showing last night, I seemed to be the only one trying 
to solve problems (now how do I jumper this CD-ROM drive for master...)

At our next meeting I will probably hide somewhere up the back taking 
orders at the start and quietly burn CDs during the seminar. Please note 
that I will only burn CDs for people who place orders (and pay) at the 
meeting (no email orders). I prefer people to pick up distribution CDs 
from a reputable supplier (eg LSL).

David Campbell
campbell at

The feature freeze on Linux 2.1.x is starting to be
annoying. I say bring on Linux 2.3.x!!!

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