No subject

Tue Nov 29 10:43:08 WST 2011

considered obstacles as UHF goes straight through buildings
unless they are made from steel reinforced concrete and trees
(although core conductive) don't attenuate microwaves that
much at all - unless its raining very heavily and the tree
has a full leafy spread,

A hill/mountain or large reinforced concrete building is more
of an obstacle. Effectively - can you 'site' the other party
easily - if so then microwaves of that freq will generally
get trhough,



At 07:25 AM 14/5/2001 +0800, you wrote:
>> Could you explain in a bit more detail what is actually meant by "line of
>> sight" in the context of wireless networking ?
>Line of sight means that you must ne able to see from one antenna to the
>other, with no obstacles in between.
>If you can clearly see the other antenna then you have line of sight. If
>trees, buildings, hills or anything else is in between, then it won't
>This uses a different frequency than HF.

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