[plug] PLUG Talk & Panel: Rusty Russll - Coding: Let's have fun - THIS TUESDAY

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Sun Oct 9 20:35:13 WST 2011

Hello all,

The time has come for one of the bigger PLUG tech talks of the year! 
World-famous and highly respected Linux & Open Source hacker *Rusty 
Russell* is here in Perth to speak at PLUG on his favourite subject - 
hacking code for fun - and to participate in a lively panel discussion 
on /The State & Future of Linux and Open Source in Australia/.

As decided back in March, we've split the costs between attendees - at 
$20 per member. We've permitted all Uni CS/IT students free access; 
we've convinced a bunch of people to become PLUG members (thank you); 
we're ready for an interesting evening of banter, technology and... 
pizza! Our venue -- UWA Geography & Geology Gentilli Lecture Theatre -- 
is around 50% sold, so there's still seats available for door sales if 
you've not committed to coming yet ($50 door sales). Closest parking is 
on Fairway (west side of UWA Crawley campus) around the Computer Science 
is the opposite side of the campus. Here is a map: 
http://g.co/maps/qnk45 -- there will be signs/posters around the building.

Tickets have been emailed out to ticket holders already - if you've not 
seen your's then please email tickets at plug.org.au. Doors open at 6pm for 
kick off at 6:30pm. Pizza will be delivered around 8pm - food and a 
drink is included in your ticket (yes, even the free tickets that Uni 
CS/IT students get)!

A live video stream should be established if you're not going to be here 
in Perth, and someone will be monitoring the IRC channel to pass your 
questions along to the floor. Our regular Icecast server at 
http://icecast.plug.org.au:8000/ will be the place to check; log onto 
the PLUG IRC channel (#plug on Gimpnet) to chat.

Thanks to everyone who has helped get 50 people to come along - and 
everyone who has helped organise us to where we are (Daniel H, PLUG 
Committee, and the AV Team).

The panel discussion will be based around your input; have a think of 
what you feel are the biggest issues, achievments and threats for Linux 
and Open Source here - locally, and nationally.

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2011: http://www.plug.org.au <http//www.plug.org.au>
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