[plug] RailsGirls perth

Marcus Holmes mh at marcusholmes.biz
Mon Mar 3 04:50:18 UTC 2014

We're running the second RailsGirls Perth event on March 21/22 - details on

We've had a really good response again, we're up to ~50 attendees, and
we're struggling to get enough mentors to ensure they get the guidance they

So this is a quick plea to anyone in the PLUG list with some Rails
knowledge to volunteer as a mentor teaching ladies to code for a day.
You don't need to be an expert; this is guiding complete newbies through
their first day of coding and there are some genuine experts on hand to
answer the tough ones.

Apologies for this not being strictly Linux-related. Please reply to
mh at marcusholmes.biz to keep the list clear.
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